Kendrick Lake is a neighborhood located in Lakewood. The population is 10,133 with 49% females and 51% of males. The median age of 42. 16% of the neighborhood is populated by families with children, 26% single-female families, 48% of couples, and 26% single male families. The overall average household size of this neighborhood is 2.37 with an average family size of 3.01.
The median household income of Kendrick Lake residents is $74,447, while its median individual income is $40,693. About 95$ of residents have completed high school and 25% have completed some units in college but with no degree, 8% have their associate degree whereas 8% are degree holders.
Several types of residential homes are for sale in Kendrick Lake, such as Condominium units and Single Family Homes.
Nearby Airport
- Denver International Airport is located at 8500 Peña Blvd, Denver, CO
Public Elementary Schools
- Dennison Elementary Schools is located at 401 Independence St, Lakewood, CO - Jefferson Academy Elementary School is located at 9955 Yarrow St, Broomfield, CO
Public Middle Schools
- Collegiate Academy of Colorado is located at 8420 Sangre De Cristo Rd, Littleton, CO - Dunstan Middle School is located at 1855 S Wright St, Lakewood, Colorado - Manning Options School is located at 13200 W 32nd Ave, Golden, CO
Public High Schools
- D’Evelyn Junior/Senior High School is located at 10359 W Nassau Ave, Denver, CO - Jefferson Academy High School is located at 11251 Reed Wy, Broomfield, CO EZ Lakewood Junk Removal - Collegiate Academy of Colorado is located at 8420 Sangre De Cristo Rd, Littleton, CO
Kendrick Lake Park
If you don’t have any plans for the weekend yet, you might consider having a walk or run, enjoying a picnic, going fishing, or maybe just admiring the colorful flowers in the garden. Kendrick Lake Park has for everyone. This Park has been considered as one of the most recognized xeric gardens in the whole metropolitan area, a large trail with a magnificent reservoir, impressive playground area for the kids, and an accessible shelter and fishing.
- Grill(s) – Having a BBQ and picnic with the family over the weekend seems fun and therapeutic.
- Playgrounds – Give your kids a unique playtime experience at Kendrick Lake Park. They will definitely thank you for that, that’s what I am sure of.
- Reservable Picnic Shelter– Picnic shelter area for your visit to ensure the whole family is comfortable and guarded by whatever natural circumstances will ever happen.
- Lake or Pond – Bring your friends or kids to be engaged more with the fishing activity that is great to create a strong bond with each other.
- Bicycle Paths – The trails are surrounded by flowers that will make you stop every time to take pictures or just stare at how beautifully they sway around with the wind.
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